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Sapphire - a gemstone for September
It is September already, how this year is flying by! It is now time to take a look at the birthstone for September - Sapphire. Probably...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Peridot for August
We are well into August now so it is time to take a look at Peridot the birthstone for August. Peridot, also known as chrysolite, is an...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Rubies for July
I cannot believe it is July already! Which means it is time to have a look at July's birthstone, Ruby. Ruby is a gemstone which is pink...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
June's birthstones - a choice of three
The month of June boasts three birthstones; Pearl, Alexandrite and Moonstone. I shall be concentrating this post on Pearl though, as I...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Emerald - May's birthstone
Today I am taking a closer look at Emeralds - the birthstone for May. Emerald is a green, bluish green gemstone and variety of the...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
A Diamond for April
Diamond is both the traditional and modern birthstone for April, so lets take a closer look at it. Firstly Diamond is the hardest of all...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Aquamarine - birthstone for March
A bit late but I have finally found a few minutes to write a short post looking at Aquamarine - the birthstone for March. Aquamarine gets...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
A closer look at Amethyst
Amethyst is a semi precious stone, It is a violet variety of the quartz group. As a silicate mineral which has the chemical formula of...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Garnet! A birthstone for January
Firstly it might be a good idea to have a brief introduction to birthstones Birthstones are gemstones associated with each month of the...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Welcome to my website
How exciting is this! My brand new website is now live and I am now looking forward to the whole new world of possibilities that is now...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
What does winning #SBS mean to me? (Original post 2 April 2012)
This is the story of my #sbs journey so far, I can't say where it will lead only report on what has happened so far.

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
sbs - small business sunday - the twitter journey continues (Originally posted 3rd December 2013)
Thursday last week took me to Birmingham for the second sbs event. Small Business Sunday shortened to the hash tag #sbs was created on...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
sbs event and #sbswinnershour (originally posted 7th February 2015)
So the sbs story continues - Friday 30th January was a date with a huge build up on twitter among the sbs winners fraternity and it did not

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
SBS Event 2016 (Originally posted on the 21 February 2016)
s I alluded to in my previous post, a week ago last Friday, that was the 12th February, I attended the #sbsevent2106 with Theo Paphitis
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