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angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
A Fresh Green Look For Spring
This week I added a couple of new freshwater pearl necklaces to my website. Both necklaces feature stunning olive green freshwater pearls...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
October, the month of Opals
What a stunning gemstone October's birthstone opal is! I would love to create something unique and original with some of the beautiful...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Sapphire - a gemstone for September
It is September already, how this year is flying by! It is now time to take a look at the birthstone for September - Sapphire. Probably...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Peridot for August
We are well into August now so it is time to take a look at Peridot the birthstone for August. Peridot, also known as chrysolite, is an...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
June's birthstones - a choice of three
The month of June boasts three birthstones; Pearl, Alexandrite and Moonstone. I shall be concentrating this post on Pearl though, as I...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Emerald - May's birthstone
Today I am taking a closer look at Emeralds - the birthstone for May. Emerald is a green, bluish green gemstone and variety of the...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
A Diamond for April
Diamond is both the traditional and modern birthstone for April, so lets take a closer look at it. Firstly Diamond is the hardest of all...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Aquamarine - birthstone for March
A bit late but I have finally found a few minutes to write a short post looking at Aquamarine - the birthstone for March. Aquamarine gets...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
A closer look at Amethyst
Amethyst is a semi precious stone, It is a violet variety of the quartz group. As a silicate mineral which has the chemical formula of...

angela smith bespoke handmade jewellery
Garnet! A birthstone for January
Firstly it might be a good idea to have a brief introduction to birthstones Birthstones are gemstones associated with each month of the...
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